How To Keep A Poinsettia Alive

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  1. Poinsettias thrive in a warm climate; do not let them get cold.
  2. Water the poinsettia sufficiently, but not too much; if it is still in its original container and wrapped in plastic foil it will probably drain poorly, if at all. Do not let it get waterlogged.
  3. Remove dead leaves if they fall into the poinsettia container; if left there, they may develop mold and attract bugs.
  4. Re-pot the poinsettia if it is in the usual poor container and poor dirt; do not try to get all the old dirt off the roots. Use good quality potting soil. Make sure to put it in a container that allows ample drainage. If there are multiple plants potted together, re-pot them separately.
  5. Water with room-temperature water if the plant is indoors.
  6. Poinsettias do well with good light and indirect sunlight.
  7. Poinsettias seem to like a little leftover, cooled coffee—just a cup or so over the course of a week.